Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Housewarming Party

One of Les' coworkers is retiring soon and they decided to spend their retirement here on the island. They bought a house in Mineo and invited us up last night for a housewarming party. Their house is awesome! It is about 200 years old and they've done an amazing job fixing it up. It looks old and worn on the outside, like most of the buildings in Sicily, but inside it is lovely. They even have a terrace on the third floor, and that is where we spent most of the evening chatting with friends, listening to the church bells, and when the sun went down looking at the stars.

The view from the terrace at sunset, overlooking the valley where we live

Looking down on a nearby house. I think its for sale. Cheap. Any takers? Its a nice fixer-upper.

The coolest part of their house is the garage. Being that the house is around 200 years old (maybe more) it was built to house animals. There are rings in the walls to tie the animals, a dirt floor, and even an old well! The garage doesn't have electricity so the next two pictures were taken in the dark with only my trusty flash.

The very deep, kinda creepy well

Looking in towards the garage from a side door. I think this gate has been there awhile.

I really enjoyed just being out in town and away from military housing. I'm so jealous that they are going to live there! It was more along the lines of what I expected for living in Italy...not military housing, but oh well. At least I get to have the real Italian experience once in awhile.


Now playing: Magnatune - 2008-05-25 New Age podcast from Magnatune

via FoxyTunes

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