Thursday, July 03, 2008

How Californians See America

As I was browsing through Google Reader this morning I came across this graphic. It cracked me up and I had to share. It may not portray my exact thoughts about the rest of Americans (outside of Californians) but it is pretty darn close.


david santos said...

Ciao Angela, come và? Spero tutto bene per te. Buon lavoro. Un abbraccio e un buon fine settimana.

Catherine "Cat" Evans said...

cIao Angela, like và? I hope all well for you. Good work. An embrace and a good weekend.

I was wondering what the previous comment was.

I guess my first comment went bye bye. here was the translation I was looking for.
I previously said that for the cross country traveling that your dad and I have done, I do not find this enirealy accurate. The counry is so diversified, yet the same. What a great land and great people, not just here but every where we have had the privelage to travel too. I am sooooo excited we are coming back one more time. ciao, bella mama