Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Wow, I did it!!

I set a goal for myself to blog each day for 30 days.  I wasn't sure if I could do it.  Some days were harder than others.  Some days I had a hard time thinking of what to say, other days I was out so late that I barely squeaked by and got my post up in time, but I DID IT!!  I'm so glad I participated in NaBloPoMo and Thirty Days of Thanksgiving.

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving has really helped me focus on how blessed I am, even though I've faced a lot of challenges in the past month.  In addition several of my friends joined in the challenge and I got to connect with them in a new and fun way and get to know them a bit better. I also made new online friends through NaBloPoMo and TDOT. I even had non-blogging friends participating in the TDOT challenge via Facebook!

I'd like to send a special thanks out to my blogging friends and family who participated in Thirty Days of Thanksgiving at:
We'll do it again next year.  Mark your calendars for November 2011!!


Sheena said...

Yay! I will try not to have a new blog by then.... hahahaha =)

anglouise said...

Sheena - LOL, even if you have a new blog you can still participate :)

Steph said...

Great job, Angela! I'm a bit behind the times. Seems December was a whirling wind that caught me by surprise. I enjoyed your Thirty Days of Thanksgiving. I may have to do that this year.

anglouise said...

Thanks, Steph! I agree, December was a whirlwind. Between moving and the holidays I don't even know where the time went! I'm glad you enjoyed TDOT and I hope you will join me again next year. :)