Monday, May 24, 2010

Unexpected Beauty

This morning as I was sipping my morning coffee a flash of red in my backyard caught my eye. A plant that I thought was pretty much through had bloomed!

A friend gave me this plant for my birthday last year.  I promptly planted it and then, even though I tried to make it happy it seemed to suffer, losing all of its leaves and looking like a twig sticking out of the ground.

Les had asked me several times over the last few months if he could just pull it out, but I said no, hoping that it wasn't actually dead.  It had little nubs which I thought might be leaves coming in, but after months and months it wasn't doing anything.

I was about ready to give in, but luckily I waited!  My reward (so far) is this beautiful flower!  The rest of the plant still looks twiggy, but now I know for a fact that it is still alive!

And on another note, look what else I found in my garden:

Almost ready!  Just a couple more days and I think they will be perfect.

1 comment:

Trav'ler Jenn said...

what a beautiful surprise! both of them really. i hope the wonders of nature continue to poo up around you!