Saturday, May 28, 2011

San Diego Sicilian Festival

Last weekend a friend and I went to Little Italy in San Diego for the annual Sicilian Festival. We had a great time, and although it was more of a typical American street fair (as opposed to the festivals I went to in Sicily) it was a lot of fun.  It was great to hear a few people walking down the street speaking Italian, and be able to eat a few of my favorite Sicilian foods.

Calamari Fritti

Cannolo - YUM!
I'll definitely go again next year!  Until then, Little Italy is close by and I know I can always go and get a cannolo to satisfy at least one of my Sicilian cravings! (In case you are wondering I get my cannoli at Cafe Zucchero - fantastico!)


Adrianne said...


anglouise said...

Thanks, it was fun!!